B.H.V.E. is run by HC.T.V. , H.C.T.V. has been registered under the society Act. working in different fields of program and commercial training sponsored by the Central Government by taking a vow to approach every class of youth in the society. We believe in hiring the best talent and then enabling it to grow. By providing an infrastructure that allows continuous learning and progress, we grant you the opportunity to push your career and the zeal to be an active participant in the changing face of India. We have a strong network of franchise's all over India. It is the trust of our partners that we are adding more and more partners with each passing day.
The main function of the B.H.V.E. is to provide higher technical education in nominal charges for every group of society of urban and rural areas all over India and get success in computer revolution which is the main dream of Indian Govt. targets to provide basis information about necessity of computer literacy in various fields, with enough quality knowledge. We arrange special guide in our study center's for the help of students so that they can easily continue with their courses happily.
BHVE is a private autonomous self-finance institution, established and running diploma and certificate courses aimed at jobs and self-employment only in India. Diploma and certificate courses under Bhve are not related to any other government scheme or council department.
These diplomas / certifications are job oriented and self-employed and are eligible for all types of jobs in private, corporate, multinational sector companies or hospitals, Mother Care Health Centers in India and abroad. But the Para Medical Council of India and its affiliated institutions do not provide any guarantee for the job. After the diploma / certificate for the rules and regulations prevailing in the relevant field from time to time, the candidates may be subjected to skilled medical specialist.